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Psychosocial Support for Adolescents Girls in Post-Conflict Areas (ReBuild)

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Kind of Paper  |  Date  | Nicola Jones, Janice Cooper, Elizabeth Presler-Marshall and David Walker 

Rape and other forms of sexual violence during armed conflict are now acknowledged as weapons of war, designed not only to inflict bodily harm on primarily – but not exclusively – female victims, but also to terrify and humiliate them, their families and their communities (UN Women, 2013; Domingo et al., 2013; UNICEF, 1996). Violence against women and girls, including sexual violence, is a strong candidate for inclusion in the post2015 sustainable development goals. Sexual violence in conflict is moving up the development agenda amid a growing realisation that it is not a temporary aberration or a one-off assault on an individual, but a broad and systematic ‘military’ tactic that is mobilised against vast numbers of women and used to subdue entire populations.

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Examining Psychosocial Health and Resiliency

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